Dr Pete writes snipped:
Different "levels" of practice: Gross, subtle and
unmanifest. Gross is the actual behavioral asana with
the body or changing the behavioral breathing of the
lungs. Subtle is the change in the various koshas
(subtle bodies) from the behavior, and unmanifest is
the virtual "structure" or unexpressed/unmanifest
"seed" of the asana or pranayama in pure
consciousness.  This last point is very difficult to
express. Every "thing" in the manifest, time/space
world is a virtual, unmanifest "structure" in

Tom T:
Think of the unmanifest level as the code for your and all DNA. The
code is in the unmanifest and when the code pops into the relative it
begins to run and creates the DNA. From the Upanishads. There is no
difference between your DNA and the DNA of all creation. Great piece
of software.Tom

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