bob_brigante wrote:
> <snip>
> ***********
> TM is a profound reducer of stress because, unlike other meditation 
> techniques, it actually expands awareness. This expansion of 
> awareness means that the individual is not so overwhelmed in 
> activity, which is what stress is. Having a slug of whiskey or doing 
> a meditation technique which only serves, like alcohol, to only make 
> the mind dull, may seem to offer some temporary relief from stress, 
> but only expansion of awareness can truly make life stress-free. 
No, most meditation techniques also expand awareness.  Indians would 
think that you are joking if just meditating on the common bij aksharas 
or a common Saraswati mantra is anything special.  I'm not saying that 
TM is bad it is not just as special as folks might believe.
> As far as Ayurveda, the site offers many suggestions for 
> people in different climes and different seasons.
And so do other ayurvedic pratitioners like Dr. Lad.  At least the 
consultants for MAPI forbade MMY from re-inventing Ayurveda and wisely so.

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