Robert Gimbel wrote:
>   (sniP)
>> First off I have never bought that Bin Laden had anything to do with 
>> 9-11.  He didn't even the claim until days afterward (most likely when 
>> the funds were delivered to his Swiss account).   Tim Osmon is Bin 
>> Laden's CIA name.  Al-Queda or Al-CIA-da was trained by the CIA as a 
>> counteroffensive to the Russians in Afghanistan.   More likely the 
>> shadow government or rogue group that pulled off 9-11 is more likely to 
>> drop a nuke on my pacifist head and yours too.  Or more likely over it 
>> as an EMF bomb so our electronics no longer work and we go back to the 
>> dark ages.  The real terrorists are in the White House, Snoopy.  Who is 
>> scarier: Osama or Dick Cheney?  Osama (most likely long dead) is a 
>> distraction.
> So, I guess you also think that the suicide bombers is a made up story
> too;
> And the many bodies they find everyday, brutal people they are in
> Iraq- no value of life whatsoever;
> I think people's hatred of Bush/Cheney tends to cloud objective thinking;
> We do have people out there who want to destroy the United States and
>  Western civilization, don't ya think so? That's what they say, they want.
> An Islamic State for you and me?
> I don't think so...
I didn't say there aren't those kind of people but using military forces 
the way we do is a little like using a sledgehammer to kill a gnat.  
There will be suicide bombers but they may not necessarily be Muslim.  
What about that?

I think you're overly paranoid about Islam.  Just like Christianity 85% 
of Muslims could give a damn about shoving their religion down your 
throat.  They just want to live their lives in peace like you and me.  
BTW, have you ever met a Muslim?

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