--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> >
> > When I knew Jerry at MIU he was very careful about what he
> > said about his situation with the movement for good reason.
> > He was under the gun politically with plenty of people
> > invested in seeing him lose power.
> The same thing was true when he was National Leader
> of the TM movement in the United States. He was also
> a very soft-spoken guy who went out of his way to
> avoid conflict if he could.
> Anyone who suggests that he might be interested in
> coming to Fairfield Life to get involved in the
> petty squabbles that some thrive on and "resolve"
> them has either never met him or is a total fool
> or both.
> > IMO Jerry would never voice a dissenting opinion about his
> > movement experiences.
> I completely agree. It's just not in him to do that.
> Never has been, never will be.
> > His voice has carried too much weight for movement people
> > for too long for him to feel candid.
> Plus, he has no interest in the petty things that
> people argue over with regard to the TM movement
> and its ongoing soap opera.
> > Plus he is very aware of how his words will get back to MMY
> > through the agenda filters of his minions.
> And would here on Fairfield Life, within a week.
> > I believe he a sincere believer in the aims of yoga and I
> > don't think there is anything MMY could do to him to
> > dissuade his devotion.
> I agree. His devotion was almost pathological.
> Jerry suffered indignities that would have had
> a lesser man throwing in the towel, and suffered
> them for *decades*, never saying a word about
> any of them.
> > People in the movement have affection for Jerry for good
> > reason IMO.
> Thanks for getting that what I said about not
> bugging the guy was a reflection of that affection,
> Curtis.
> Not only was he *my* TM teacher, I worked with him
> for many years and have a deep and abiding respect
> for him. He is one of the few people in the TM
> movement to whom I could comfortably point as a
> role model for people on a spiritual path.
> > He was a voice of reason and humor and a buffer for us
> > between the sometimes inexplicable ways of MMY and our
> > own lives.
> *Especially* the humor part. In the bleakest of
> times Jerry could still tell a joke that would
> crack up everyone in the room and relieve all the
> tension and help us keep on keepin' on.
> > I sense that what went down between MMY and Jerry was
> > not the best reflection of MMY's loyalty or fairness...
> Here I disagree with you. I sense that whatever
> went down between Maharishi and Jerry was in fact
> a *perfect* reflection of MMY's loyalty and
> fairness. That is, he has none. Never has, never
> will. Just as gossiping and getting involved in
> petty arguments is not part of Jerry's nature,
> loyalty and a sense of fairness towards and grat-
> itude to his long-time supporters is just not a
> part of Maharishi's nature. In my opinion, of
> course.

   The story that I heard about Jerry's departure that sounds plausible
to me:
Jerry withheld $2 - 4 million from International to keep the US
movement/centers/teachers  running...

   Maharishi didn't like it....


PS. I liked both Charlie and Jerry and brought Charliie here for
lectures. My understanding of the disagreement between them was that it
was about the angle that TM was taught from: SRM vs SIMS and business
structure  vs volunteer. Both had there points.... Also Charlie was
called as a hostile witness in the NJ court case, had to pay his own
legal fees ....
Certainly doesn't matter at this point.....

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