Hello to all the folks who have just stumbled upon this Yahoo group and 
wonder what the hell is going on here from reading the posts or even 
just the titles.   I recall years ago that Maharishi talked about how TM 
develops "childlike innocence."  As many of us know many Indians speak 
1.7 languages usually Hindi and .7 English.  Therefore perhaps what 
Maharishi meant to say was that TM develops "childishness" but just 
didn't know the word for it.  :)

Here we have probably the only group on Yahoo that has a posting limit 
for some reason self-imposed.  This evokes some rather bizarre behavior 
more from the TM TB'ers than the normal folks.  Or is the behavior 
because things are going wacky in the world?  I mean after growing up 
being taught how bad Hitler, fascism, Stalinism and totalitarianism in 
general is why do we have a bunch screwballs trying to impose it again?  
So Turq mentions he is seeing bizarre behavior on other groups he 
participates in though I don't see it quite as much as a lot of the 
groups I read are focused usually on some technical realm and don't fly 
off into other areas very often. 

But I would hate to see such "one pointedness" here.  After all this is 
the much needed little clubhouse for those who have something in common: 
we all practiced TM at one time or even now.   It's tremendous value is 
the ability to share how we see the world even if that is painful for 
some tender souls. 

Perusing topics someone might as what does my recent topic on Janene 
Garafalo joinng the "24" cast have anything to do with TM?  It doesn't 
but we've discussed "24" here because some folks here are "24" fans and 
will find it quirky that the very outspoken liberal former Air America 
Radio co-host and SNL alumni is joining a show produced by a bunch of 
righties.  I guess that might get me to tune in once again even though 
the series has become so ridiculous that it plays like a 1930's Saturday 
matinée serial.   I've even considered that they might start letting the 
cast improvise rather than follow a badly written script in need of a 
couple more re-writes.  That might be a vast improvement.

But I digress.  So sit back and enjoy the "group social patterns" evoked 
here as some member express their inner and apparently outer child.  :)

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