--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What's your opinion about rich people in the movement who have
> inherited their money and like the people you describe, never have
> worked a day in their lives. While it's true that they never have 
> to beg, they still are being given funds from a trust or inheritance
> having been created by another, their parents, etc. I knew people 
> like this at MIU in the 70s and they lived the good life, going on 
> courses whenever they wanted, vacations during the winters to avoid 
> the cold, and generally being able to be in the best TM positions 
> on courses, ie., be with MMY etc. But do you have the same opinion 
> about these people? 

I don't know them, so I can't say. I only met one
super-rich guy during my "TM time," and he was a
neurotic mess, someone whose life I wouldn't trade
for mine for a million bucks. Others may be happy;
I don't know. 

Then again, much of the time my friend seems happy.
I get where he's coming from -- he really feels
that it would be an affront to God to doubt Him
enough to have to work for a living. :-)

To some extent it's the Buddha's "tantrum yoga" 
thing. Buddha sat down under a tree and threw a 
tantrum and declared that he wasn't going to move
until he got enlightened (in some variants of the
story, at least). And it *worked* for him. Go figure.

Maybe Dakota's trip will work, too. To his credit,
he *is* trying to find ways to do some teaching of
these things he's learned on the twice-yearly "visa 
breaks" they have to take so all the students can
leave India and get their visas renewed. And if he
wound up in my area teaching (unlikely), I would
certainly attend and hopefully learn a little some-
thing. But at the same time I don't think I could
recommend his lifestyle to others.

> I think the life you have described for Dakota is pretty sad. 
> MMY was also broke when he started the movement. Lutes will 
> attest to this so how would you characterize the difference 
> here. Is it that MMY worked 22 hours a day on his mission? 
> Maybe it was that focus and energy that eventually attracted 
> the resources he needed. This is probably a better example 
> of what, "Let God's Will Be Done" means.  

Yeah, that's true with Dakota as well. When he is
involved with one of his gurus he works his *butt*
off for them, probably *more* than an eight-hour
work day -- on postering, creating web sites, what-
ever. He's *dedicated*. The only work he doesn't
do is to support himself. 

It's an interesting approach, and we've talked about
it in the past. He doesn't fully "get" my view, and
I clearly don't fully "get" his, but I hope that we
remain friends. I think that the thing is he has 
spent so many incarnations doing this in ashrams
and monasteries -- *giving away* all the credit for
everything he might have done, laying anything good
he might have accomplished at the feet of his guru,
that he's more than a little afraid at this time to
accept that *he* has any value. Forget these latest
courses -- Dakota could have set himself up as a 
spiritual teacher decades ago and had flocks of 
students around him; he's that charismatic. But he
really *can't*, because it would be *him* doing it,
and he really does feel there is something *wrong*
with that.

He has to be "in service to" someone, a student, a 
disciple. He gets uneasy when he is "between teachers"
and he *isn't* in service to someone, someone he can
give all the credit for his good works away to. It's
really an interesting life and an interesting lifestyle.
And I love the dude, even though I don't quite under-
stand him and his motivations. He's as "un-understand-
able" as St. Francis might have been, or Milarepa him-
self -- a true off-the-wall, off-the-map dedicated
seeker, who just can't do anything *else* but seek.

And there may be a value in that, both for the indi-
vidual and the world; I don't pretend to know. I've
just been "thinking out loud" here after receiving
his latest blog update. I wish the man well, and may
even contribute to his well-being myself; I haven't
decided yet. Like I said, I've just been thinking out
loud; thanks for listening.

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