new.morning wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From:
>> On Behalf Of authfriend
>> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 11:36 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda
>> But even if he WERE psychotic, it would STILL be
>> unethical for Peter to deliver that diagnosis
>> publically, and ESPECIALLY for the purpose of venting
>> his frustration--because he's a credentialed
>> professional, and his word therefore carries much
>> more weight than anything the rest of us might say.
>> I'm not a doctor, so it's not unethical for me to say that I think
> he should
>> take every mind-numbing drug he can get his hands on. Maybe he should
>> dumpster-dive out behind Dr. Pete's office.
> While I am an advocate of well researched, well diagnosed, well
> prescribed pharmacuticals for helping to balance neurotransmitter and
> other imbalances  -- if such modalities work -- in the "spiritual
> realm, SSRS, for example would say, perhaps, do deep breath kriya to
> purify the system, and do seva to balance it. I am slightly surprised
> your first recommendation would be mind-numbing drugs, jesting aside.
Also ayurveda can be very effective in these area without the side 
effects of the psychotropics such as obesity and lassitude.  Basically 
most of these psychotropics are just used to calm people down long 
enough until they can stabilize.  Calming down?  Does this suggest a 
vata imbalance?  Does to me so in many cases have them take vata 
balancing herbs instead and use a vata balancing diet.  Much less 
expensive too.

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