It is amazing what outrages are expressed on this forum in mindless, 
knee-jerk judgments. Peter made a casual, facetious remark, followed 
by more of the same after he could see his manifest results - 
writhing egos, red faces and flapping lips. He must be laughing his 
ass off at the self-serving histrionics of some of the poster-board 
tigers here.

First neubula-head struts around like a puffed-up hyena boasting how 
he was going to dig dirt on Peter so he could bring him down. Now 
FFL's own self-appointed commissars have been searching around for 
enough censure to try and shut him up. What a bunch a pathetic, self-
aggrandizing Moaists you all sound like. 

When the Jihadists take power I'm falling to the ground and shouting 
to the sky "Allahu Akbar", followed by "La ilaha ilallah" 
and "Muhammadan rasulu-llah". Then I'm pointing to you and saying -
 "These are the unbelieving kafir-s. They are arrogant and their 
necks are long. In the name of Allah, please shorten them." 


Curtisdeltablues said:

> Posting here is a place to unwind from professional identities with
> their serious consequences.  No one is always acting in their
> professional capacity and posting on boards like this is not a way 
> receive a medical diagnosis.  So I have not gotten past my own
> "pro-Peter) bias, but I am still defending Peter's right to use this
> board to say whatever he wants without the shaming that he is not
> being "professional".  None of us are as far as I can tell, that's
> what makes this a cool clubhouse.

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