The one thing I can't seem to reconcile is how these 100+ year old
people  who make the news every several months, are seemingly sturdy,
have smoked cigarettes their entire lives, had wine everyday and just
lived ordinary lifestyles have such outward strength and vitality.  My
guess is the fact the MMY is 90+ and is frail or becoming blind means
that he has spent so much energy with his goal of world peace,
speaking incessantly everyday, and dealing with so many people for
decades, that his physical body has endured more demands than the
people who are even older but outwardly are in better shape.  I'm not
denying that his inner experience is probably light years beyond what
most of us could hope for, but it would be even more amazing if his
physical constitution was maintained at a higher level. I guess you
can't have both.

The ultimate freaky physical specimen close to MMY's age is Jack
Lalane, who at 90+ still exercises each day regularly more than most
people, still eats fastidiously clean, and hasn't slowed down in how
fast he speaks!  A great life to me would be to have the benefit of an
elevated consciousness, along with a healthy strong body for the
entire time.
At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm ahead with the body over the

-- In, "rmy108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "shukra69" <stephen4359@> wrote:
> >
> > Maharishi was shown from today on Maharishi channel. He looks well. It
> > would likely replay.
> >
> He looked old and fragile to me.  His voice seemed weak too.

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