What you report about EtherBun is true of any forum I
have joined or lurked. And calling a moderator "YOU
MORON" would get your ID permanently deleted in all of

I'd like to add that soon after Rick made me a
moderator, he posted a message to the group where he
both he made reference to his easygoing approach and
said maybe the new moderator would have a more
proactive attitude towards unacceptable behavior.
Since then, though, I have been as easygoing as Rick,
with the one recent exception.
--- "new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bronte: 
> >   I belong to another chat room. It's about caring
> for rabbits. It's
> a nice place, and this is the policy on flames --
> enforced and taken
> seriously:
> >    
> >    
> >   EtherBun is an unmoderated listserve. However,
> because we want
> EtherBun to be a happy place, the list owner and the
> EtherBun Advisory
> Committee insist that there will be NO FLAMING,
> EVER. A flame is
> defined as a personally insulting or derogatory
> post. Strong opinions,
> healthy disagreement and civil discussion are
> welcome on EtherBun, but
> flaming will not be tolerated. If you write a post
> voicing a strong
> opinion about a controversial issue, please DO NOT
> name other EtherBun
> subscribers personally. To do so invites hostility
> and fans the flames
> of war, which will not be tolerated on EtherBun.
> Offenders will be
> warned by the Advisory Committee, and repeat
> offenses will result in
> the offender's being deleted from the list. 
> >   If you are ever the victim of a private flame
> because of something
> that occurred on EtherBun, please forward a copy of
> the flame post to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] At the discretion of the EtherBun Advisory
> Committee, the
> perpetrator will be warned and/or deleted from the
> list of subscribers. 
> FFL guidelines say essntially the same thing. More
> concisely or
> compactly perhaps.    The issue is the ethos and
> aura of enforcement.
> Different forums resolve this in different ways. 
> Rick generally goes by consensus.  Or does what he
> feels is right, and
> beleives others will "get it" when implemented. For
> example, few
> wanted to change to 35 posts / week limit, from
> 5/day, Ricks said,
> "lets try it for 30 days anyway. It seems to be a
> good idea". And now
> most everyone applauds the policy. 
> It never would have happened if Rick did not take
> the initiative,
> applied common sense and perhaps intuition, and
> moved "ahead" of the
> consensus. As a leader, not a follower. 
> My take is that while consensus is good, it rarely
> is achieved without
> experience by the participants.  Though I applaud
> Ricks management
> style of seeking consensus, I suggest the experience
> of the 35 post
> change as a paradigm for management here. Try out 
> various "common
> sense" solutions. See if they work for a month.
> After experience with
> the policy, then ask for a consensus. We would never
> have 35 posts a
> week if Rick had waited for a pre-consensus on that.
> Some things to try.
> 1) It is not subjective when someone blatently
> flames. Its obvious.
> Adhere to the guidelines and ban any such flaming
> poster for a week.
> Two weeks second offense. Six months after 4-5
> offenses. I suggest
> that Yoda-Rick try this for a month. THEN see if
> there is a consensus
> then for the policy.
> 2) Same bans for gratuatious profanity or sexist,
> racist, ageist,
> creedist slurs. Thats clear 99% of the time (For
> example, sadly not
> everyone got the "Jane, You Ignorant Slut" satire.) 
> 3) Same bans for trolling -- defined as "incessant
> posting of
> inflamatory material with the intent to push button
> and incite
> flames". This is clear 90% of the time, and the
> first offense should
> receive a warning. Then 1, 2,3 week bans.
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> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!' 
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