Here's the entire text:

Q: What good is pulling one table leg?

Ans: If you pull a table leg very quickly, the other legs come too,
but the fine wine sitting in a glass on the table will be left behind.
 This is not to be confused with pulling an uncle's finger.

Q: Why dig a deep hole for a tall building?

Ans: Rest is the basis of activity, and every building needs a
basement.  If I ask for a building, and you only give me the "visible
part," you haven't given me the entire building.  You have to give me
"the rest" too.  Gotta have the rest part to have a whole life.  And
basements cost plenty -- $30,000 average for poured concrete with
rebar.  Accomplish big nothing, charge almost anything.

Q: How come Maharishi knows more than we do?

Ans: Knowledge is structured in consciousness, and Maharishi comes
from five thousand years of people being conscious next to a road and
studying long and hard and passing down information throughout the
generations, until, finally, voila!, anyone with money on a path can
be easily picked out and swindled with divine promises.

Q:  Why are women inferior?

Ans:  They have more refined nervous systems and cannot abide the big
men coming into the kitchen and vogue-styling with their muscles --
big brutes scare them so deeply that they then burn the dhal.  This
proves men are superior with absolute assurance.

Q:  Who is Girish?

Ans:  The CEO of Whambamthankyousuckers Inc.  His knowledge is
structured in unconscionableness.

Q:  Is the glass half full or half empty?

Ans:  Only if you are a True Believer. Maharishi's glass is always
full.  And Maharishi himself is always full too.  If you pay him
$1,000,000 he'll show you what he's full of -- sorta, but you have to
wear a crown in public before you'll really know.

Q:  What is creative intelligence?

Ans:  That special quality that, when perfected, allows one to ask for
money for almost anything and receive tons of it, and then one can ask
for more money for something else and again receive tons of it.  The
special dynamic of this kind of intelligence is that nothing ever has
to be delivered after the money has exchanged hands.  Luckily for us,
Maharishi has this creative intelligence and models it for us moment
by moment.

Q:  What should I do with a sleeping elephant?

Ans:  Make them sleep around the only water in a vast desert, then set
up "sleeping baby in the other room remote noise detectors" all around
them.  Then if even an ant gingerly puts down one single footstep, the
alarms will magnify the sound enough to waken the sleeping elephants.
 The ant then dies by stomp rather than the long painful death from
thirst.  This is the blessing of the psychic elephants that sleep
around the human soul.  For many thousands of dollars, the TMP can
give you the quietest ant of all.  Just step where the ant steps and
you're home free.  

There -- that's about all of it.


--- In, "paullawerence"
> I am looking for the SCI course reference book - written in a
question and answer format.
> Soft-cover, square-shaped, thick, navy-colored, as I remember.  The
one read aloud for a 
> few minutes during each of the 33 - lessons of the SCI course. I'd
like one for my library, but 
> since it is not available publically, I hope someone here can help.

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