On Sep 9, 2007, at 1:56 AM, Bronte Baxter wrote:

Of course I know the standard "party line" Indian admonition, that "the student needs the master" to guide him through the kundulini experience safely. But I no longer buy that we have to give our power away to gurus to unfold the divinity we naturally are. I'm shy to experiment with kundulini on my own, though, if I don't have a better idea what a person should be doing. Maybe some of you eclectic mavericks out there have got some suggestions or answers.

When it comes to kundalini, an actual master of yoga is important, as kundalini is a very sharp path, meaning it's easy to harm oneself from mistakes. However with proper knowledge of the locks and seals and the different meditative processes one can be stabilized at the forehead where samadhi truly begins in a relatively short period of time.

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