"Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come 
out right the first time, or even the third time. Remember this as a 
consolation in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it's 
because it is hard. It's one of the hardest things that people do." --William 
  "Looking back you realize, 
 That a very special person passed briefly through your life;  And it was you. 
 It is not too late to find that person again."
 Robert Brault
I'm not happy, I'm cheerful. There's a difference. A happy woman has no cares 
at all. A cheerful woman has cares but has learned how to deal with them. 
{Beverly Sills} 
"Being positive is looking at every situation from the proper perspective. When 
we drift off into self-pity, remorse, pessimism, or an angry resentful attitude 
toward any situation; we're no longer able to contribute to the answer. We are 
living in the problem rather than the answer. When we do this we are wasting 
good energy that could be used to be productive. Sadness and disappointment are 
not bad emotions. It's when we dwell in negative emotions that we become an 
instrument of confusion rather than an instrument of peace. (Unknown) 

"I might write four lines or I might write 20. I subtract and I add until I 
really hit something. You don't always whittle down, sometimes you whittle up." 
--Grace Paley
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