On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

> I have written a sort specification table for GNU C Library, which has
> been distributed with Red Hat Linux since 7.1. When I want to sort
> something, I use that (we don't use Windows machines as servers).
> Just tell me to post instructions to use, if that may help.

I'm not sure what I need. I was thinking more on the lines of a nice
shrink-wrapped (aak-band) javascript program to just cut and paste into
the one running on my website!
My institution uses an Apache server and things like PHP scripting
languages are supported but I wouldn't wouldn't even know how
to get started since I'm NOT a hacker, just someone trying to make
a webpage!

But by all means post what you have. I'm sure there are plenty of
people who would benefit, if not now, later and would be
extremely grateful for the assistance.


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