On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> > Oops. Sent empty last time.
> >
> > > Akka 2.0, may make up a good name.  I too prefer not binding a
> > > new name to the same functionality.  Perhaps we would want to
> > > give some hints and credit to pre-2.0 Akka.  Roozbeh?
> >
> > I prefer a name more neutral. Something that is not against the
> > nationalism of any Arab or Persian or Hebrew person. Go find some!
> Nadim proposed something along 'beacon', as in 'bicon', as in
> 'bidi con{sole,dom}'.  I like both.  'bicon' goes more with
> 'fribidi's, but as we converted freebidi to fribidi, we do bicon
> to beacon too.  I'm with "beacon" then.  [Roozbeh,Behnam: And we
> can call it 'faanoos' :)].

Cool..., So we can call it Faanoos Navy (TM)!

> behdad

Behnam Esfahbod ......[ http://esfahbod.info | behnam(a)esfahbod.info ]

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