
Two consecutive delay lines `@(n):@(m)` are now only merged if `n` is


Le lun. 8 oct. 2018 à 13:43, Yann Orlarey <orla...@grame.fr> a écrit :

> Hi Oleg,
> You are right, `@(n):@(m)` is equivalent to `@(n+m)` only if `n` is
> constant. We must test this condition before merging the delay lines.
> Thanks (again) for discovering the problem...
> Yann
> -------------------------
> Yann Orlarey
> Directeur scientifique
> www.grame.fr
> Le dim. 7 oct. 2018 à 16:02, Oleg Nesterov <o...@redhat.com> a écrit :
>> normalizeFixedDelayTerm() does
>>         if (isSigFixDelay(s, x, y)
>>                 return normalizeFixedDelayTerm(x, simplify(sigAdd(d, y)));
>> but this is only correct if both d and y have computability() < kExec.
>> IOW, the (x@n)@m = x@(n+m) comment is wrong otherwise, in general
>> (x@n)@m is equivalent to x@( n@m + m ), so I think that faust should
>> actually create another delay line for @m if n or m is not constant,
>> OK, I'm afraid my explanation is confusing and not convincing, let me
>> provide a test-case.
>>         z1 = ro.cross(2) ~ _ : !,_;
>> simply reimplements the mem() primitive but always creates xRec line.
>> Now,
>>         any_signal <: mem : z1 :> -;
>> should always output 0, no matter what "any_signal" actually does.
>> However,
>>         z1 = ro.cross(2) ~ _ : !,_;
>>         delay = sin(no.noise) + 1 : *(10) : int;
>>         process = ba.time : @(delay) <: mem, z1;
>> doesn't output the same value in output0/output1, and this is not
>> actually right, I think.
>> Not that I think this is really bad, this case is exotic and perhaps
>> can be ignored, but still.
>> Oleg.
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