As a warmup exercise for the next version of my ambisonic decoder engine, I
made a matrix mixer in Faust and compiled it with httpd support. You can
see the code and the Python program I wrote to control it in the repo ---
mmd.dsp and, respectively:

It looks like it takes ~100 ms to update a single entry, so I assume it's
processing one request per slow-time loop.  In my application, these
matrices could have thousands of entries, so, for example, a 49x64 matrix
takes over 30 seconds to update.  Is there a way to speed this up?  Are
there better ways to update the coefficients of an array?  Over the network
is convenient, but loading from a local file would be fine too.


Aaron Heller
Menlo Park, CA  US
Faudiostream-users mailing list

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