X-Comment-To: Henrique Peron


18-ξΟΡ-2002 14:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henrique Peron) wrote to FreeDOS

HP>  I would like to post the following questions:
HP>  Case #1: Different codepages for the same keyboard layout.
HP>  The russian keyboard layout (cp855, cp866, cp878, cp... many!)

     MS KEYB calls cyrillic kbd layout "ru", language "441". CP (Code Page)
is different issue - this is definition of character set and its order.

     On the other side, keyboard layouts are more flexible, than code pages,
because there many different "keyboard"-like devices and mapping keys to
characters is almost internal question.

HP>  Case #2: Identifiers.
HP>  There are two different identifiers for british keyboard layouts (/ID:166
HP>  and /ID:168).
HP>  Also, info regarding different identifiers for keyboard layouts not listed
HP>  here will be greatly appreciated.

     If I right remember, for "ru" layout available ID:96, which makes right
Ctrl as switch key between latinic/cyrillic layouts.

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