If you've got a moment for some last-minute help...

We (Marketing) will be freezing the F12 talking points list today, and are still somewhat light in the "what makes Fedora awesome for admins and developers?" categories.

Right now we have "libguestfs and kvm improvements" for admins and "maybe moblin" for developers, but there must be more - and more reasons why they're awesome (why *is* libguestfs something that makes admins happy?). We figured you would know.

The features list is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/FeatureList. If you've got a moment, please take a look at that, then edit https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F12_talking_points with the things that are making you (as admins and devels) happy about F12 coming out.

Help us promote the heck out of your work. ;)



PS: I know this is last-minute notice - sorry about that. We're still learning how to do things on a schedule, and next time around we'll put the call out here much earlier.

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