On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Debayan Banerjee <debaya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Aanjhan. Debayan, could you prep Rangeen about this as well please ?
>> Yeah sure.
>> I will ask Rangeen to reply to this thread when he can.
> Rangeen has just informed me that he will be unable to attend the
> FOSSEE conference for personal reasons.

I have personally sent an email to Pramode requesting a report on FEL
and Fedora's influence in the workshop scheduled for Nov 11 @ GEC

Also regarding the other SciPy events, I have already informed the
folks and once they get back to me I will update the list.

May be Pramode would report on the nov 5,6 workshop himself in his
blog too. In the meanwhile if anybody else has already managed to get
the reports please do post it to the list.

Thanks in advance.


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