On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 14:15 +0100, John Whitley wrote:
> Having fresh installed Fedora 9, I am struggling with changing both the 
> Monitor type and the screen resolution.
> System->Administration->Display->Hardware allowed ne to change the 
> Monitor type to Generic LCD 1280x1024
> Further attempts do not update /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> Setting the monitor to 1280x1024 gave me a screen resolution of 1024x768
> Attempting to change this by either 
> System->Preferences->Hardware->Screen Resolution or 
> System->Administration->Display->Settings, I was only offered either the 
> same or lower resolutions.
> Editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf to a higher resolution solved the problem.
> In each case I was careful to make the change and then re-login.
> Looking at Redhat Bugzilla, it appears there have been problems with 
> sys-config-display since Fedora 7 although I did not suffer with this on 
> numerous Fedora 8 boxes I setup.
> Is this a common problem? How do others change screen resolution?
> I would be grateful for advice

Try xrandr.

Also, in many cases you can simply remove (or rename) xorg.conf and the
driver will work it out for itself.


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