scm in seattle wrote:

> I have been using F8 for a while now and simply put it was the only distro
> that supported my laptop (fairly) well.
> Today I accepted what appeared to be 'typical' updates. The size of the
> update concerned me slightly (500Mb) but turned to horror when it finished
> and I rebooted.
> My useful KDE3 system has been replaced by KDE4! Not only that but X won't
> start because the previously installed Theme cannot be found. Oh and a
> minor issue - my net card no longer works.
> I'd like to point out that KDE4, by it's own authors is not intended to be
> for mainstream use:

opensuse != upstream kde

> "KDE 4.0 is only expected to be used by early adopters, not every KDE 3.5
> user...

True, fedora is all about innovation and early adoption of technologies, and
isn't for everyone.

> KDE4 should NEVER be installed over KDE without explicit permission of the
> user. Ever. Period.

Good, keep using your tried-and-true KDE-3.5 on F8.  
Was getting KDE4 on F9 a surprise?  I thought we had done a pretty good job
of shouting from the rooftops.

-- rex

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