I hae a Kingston Data Traveller USB flash drive (8GB) which for some reason
I cannot make a bootable USB drive.

Googling around I came up with this information:

-Some USB flash drives are notorious for having problems with corrupted
master boot records.....
Credit goes to BHSPitMonkey for pointing out this fix. The troubled drive
was a Kingston Data Traveler 2GB unit-

I think this makes my unit highly suspect.

The solution in Ubuntu was

we will install the mbr package and use it to create the new mbr on the USB
flash drive

    1. Type *sudo apt-get install mbr*
      2. Type *fdisk -l* to find out which device is your flash drive
      3. Type *install-mbr /dev/sdx* (replacing x with your flash device)

My question is how do we do this with Fedora?
I already tried out the install-live-to-usb thingy and it did not work.

In fact the section in installing the mbr is blank at


~~~~ Javier Perez
~~~~ While the night runs
~~~~ toward the day...
m m Pepebuho watches
from his high perch.
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