Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Aaron Konstam wrote:
> It looks like ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf may not have the keyservers
> configured correctly. I know I kept the same config file through
> several updates, and the keyservers were no longer valid. I am not
> sure if hkp://subkeys.pgp.net would work. I am using: keyserver
> hkp://wwwkeys.us.pgp.net

Yes, hkp://subkeys.pgp.net works, it's what I have in my gpg config
and what was the default for a while.  With gnupg-1.4.9, the default
changed to hkp://keys.gnupg.net.

>> Let me share that to me the whole discussion of PGP signatures was
>> very unenlightening. I have no idea how to sign e-mail or validate
>> a pgp signed e-mail All the discussion seemed to me to be aimed at
>> people who knew all about this.

I think that was due to nature of the thread.  It wasn't started as a
"How to use PGP" thread.  Such a thread might be on topic here, though
it would fit better on the gnupg-users list.

>> Before anyone gets offended let me admit you might reply RTFM.

Certainly, reading the fine manual first is probably the best step.
Then, if there are particular things that you have questions about,
ask away.  Use of PGP/GPG is a rather large subject.  I still remember
printing the manual from pgp 2.6.2 (100+ pages IIRC).  Things are a
lot easier to use now, though understanding the concepts behind it is
still very beneficial to make good use of it.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next
to me.
    -- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)

Attachment: pgpNLpzWISNHs.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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