Hi Patrick and Craig;

Thanks a million, I would and thousands of others would never have
guessed NetworkManager was BOINC's problem in a thousand years.

On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 12:51 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 14:30 -0400, William Case wrote:

> ----
> I believe that what Patrick was trying to tell you is that if you are
> using NetworkManager, then it's entirely possible that networking isn't
> fully operational when boinc service starts at bootup which would cause
> it to fail. That can probably be verified by merely issuing
> '/sbin/service boinc restart' (assuming that restart is an option for
> the boinc sysv script). If that works, then it might just be easier to
> put that command in /etc/rc.d/rc.local (/sbin/service boinc restart)
> Craig
As I said, after re-installing Boinc and then re-booting,  I ran a new
set of the work units to the end.  No new units would download.
boincmgr complained about a lack of a connection -- BINGO.

I re-booted just to see.  No joy -- BINGO

I then added '/sbin/service boinc-client restart' to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
and re-booted once again.  --BINGO  

Everything was up and running. New work units were down loaded
automatically and boinc is happily processing away as I write.

N.B.  For anyone following this saga and has a similar problem notice
one correction.  The line is '/sbin/service boinc-client restart', not
'/sbin/service boinc restart'.

Re: Bug reporting.  I think this bug is worth reporting, although you
probably know better which details to report regarding NetworkManager.
Some poor unlucky shmuck could get caught from 2 days to a week trying
to figure out what was wrong.

Once again, thanks very much to both of you, and the others that tried
to give me a hand.

Regards Bill;
Fedora 9, Gnome 2.22.2
Evo.2.22.2, Emacs 22.2.1

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