On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Wong Kwok-hon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How to install back the old kernel? and the command is....
RPM rejected my installation because it is older than current.

Ivan Cat wrote:
> Have you tried using --force parameter?

Don't do that!

Using --force is a last resort for when all else fails and you know why and you understand what --force is going to do. RPM doesn't refuse to install packages on a whim, it's trying to stop you from screwing things up.

For most packages you can use --oldpackage to tell it that you know the package you're tring to update to is older than the current package.

Kernels are different though. You can parallel install serveral kernels, so you'd usuall use rpm -i oldkernel.rpm rather than rpm -U.

You can then use the new kernel by going into the grub menu on boot and selecting the older kernel from the list of available kernels. At this stage you can rpm -e the newer kernel pacakage if you really want to get rid of it all together.


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