Don Levey wrote:
Phil Meyer wrote:
> Ah, yes a different reason for grub to fail -- the file system containing its files cannot be mounted.
Interestingly, I just tried manually mounting the disk:

    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sysimage

and I can get a directory listing. So at least *part* of this is working. From there, I was manually able to run 'chroot /mnt/sysimage' without error, and it seems to have "taken". However, trying to run grub-install gave me:

    /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device

Before trying anything else I'd suggest doing an fsck of your partitions. If the rescue environment can't mount them then maybe something got corrupted.

Also check the parameters your /etc/fstab is using to specify your partitions. You should be using either labels or UUIDs to match partitions to mountpoints. Check that whatever you're using matches to what's in fstab.


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