On Wed July 23 2008 04:06:58 Gene Heskett wrote:
> That seems to be faad2 now, but I didn't have the -devel installed.
> But that was from faac, and I didn't have that -devel installed either.
> Humm, I have added the /opt/gmerlin/lib directory to a gmerlin.conf file
> in /etc/ld.so.conf.d, and I'm running ldconfig after yum installs each of
> these -devel packages, but the above faac* errors aren't going away.  This
> is using the faac stuff from livna.

I ended up patching neaacdec.h from the faad2-devel to get rid of theses 
errors in another project but it should work here also, include this in 

/* structs */
#define faacDecHandle                  NeAACDecHandle
#define faacDecConfiguration           NeAACDecConfiguration
#define faacDecConfigurationPtr        NeAACDecConfigurationPtr
#define faacDecFrameInfo               NeAACDecFrameInfo
/* functions */
#define faacDecGetErrorMessage         NeAACDecGetErrorMessage
#define faacDecSetConfiguration        NeAACDecSetConfiguration
#define faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration
#define faacDecInit                    NeAACDecInit
#define faacDecInit2                   NeAACDecInit2
#define faacDecInitDRM                 NeAACDecInitDRM
#define faacDecPostSeekReset           NeAACDecPostSeekReset
#define faacDecOpen                    NeAACDecOpen
#define faacDecClose                   NeAACDecClose
#define faacDecDecode                  NeAACDecDecode
#define AudioSpecificConfig            NeAACDecAudioSpecificConfig

For some reason Freshrpms (which I use as a base for my stuff) & also I assume 
livna patch these defines out.




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