Antonio Olivares wrote:

I respect your stance on the license issue.  In fact I would agree
that most of the parts are good.  Many projects use the license which
shows that it is not totally bad.  There are however certain
restrictions and gotchas.  For instance in the Open Source

The GPL could violate 9)

9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software

"The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software. "

The final passage of the GPL makes it clear that there is no intention on the copyright holder's part to claim that the GPL must apply to "other software". Therefore it does not contradict or violate the 9th guideline for the OSD.

The bad part is the one that hurts.  The one where you have to do ...
in order to _____.  They take away your freedom as the sole author of
a certain project.

No they don't, and they can not. If you are the sole author of a certain project, then you can license it in any way that you want, including under multiple different licenses, or changing the license at any time (though not retroactively).

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