On Sat, 2008-08-09 at 20:46 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
> the power cords I have plug so deep and so tightly into both ends that
> the only way to remove one is to wiggle it, gaining perhaps 1/5 mm per
> wiggle.

Not generally a good idea, wiggling connectors weakens them, never mind
any arcing that might happen while you do it.  

That sort of thing's even worse to do on plugs and sockets on the back
of equipment.  Not only can you ruin a connector that you might need to
use the device, but you can also break the tracks where the socket/plug
is soldered to the board.

It doesn't help, though when manufacturers make things next to
impossible to unplug properly.  Such as:  Conical shaped plugs, with
nothing for you to grip on, or grips only on the side of plugs, that are
impossible to use when two plugs are inserted side by side.  Out-of-spec
sockets and pins, that grip like grim death, and damage in-spec devices
that you plug them into.  Cabling with no strain relief...

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