On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 18:37 -0500, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:43 PM, linuxguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Its now 2 weeks past the end of July, when we were told KDE 4.1 would
> > ship.
> It has.
> > I've been stuck with this crappy, half working KDE 4.0 interface
> > for 6 weeks.  You could say I'm a bit miffed.
> Sucks for you.
> > Say whatever you want about Fedora being bleeding edge, etc, but this is
> > by far the worst release Fedora and Redhat has ever done.
> What does RedHat have to do with this?
> > As far as I
> > am concerned, the KDE team has knocked the credibility of Linux, Fedora
> > and the KDE team itself way, way back.
> Interesting opinion, I can't say I understand it. I'd argue you have
> done more damage. I'm willing to put together a few points if you're
> interested.
> > I am very disappointed with the current state of the Linux desktop as
> > demonstrated in F9.
> Gnome actually is pretty nice, not that I would use it full time... or
> by Linux desktop did you mean the K Desktop environment?
> > The people that allowed KDE4.0 to ship in F9 showed
> > a huge lapse in judgment.
> How so? I think they underestimated how many freeloaders would bitch
> about not having what they want when they want it.

You STILL labeling people again?? 

Linuxguy, you also could stand to self-examine your verbiage before you
hit send. I usually put my really good rants into Drafts, and wait a day
or so before I hit send. Some were Grade-A Doseys too. Scorched everyone
and their Dogs. I deleted 'em all too, after further examination by the
light of a new day. <grins hugely> Ric

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