Paul W. Frields:
>> maybe we should put a "caveat emptor" in the bit that the list management
>> software applies to the end of every message?  Only not so scary.

James Wilkinson:
> If you’re going to edit that, can we please *finally* have a link to a
> FAQ list? Possibly
> , or
> that material re-ordered for fedora-list purposes?

Yes, there should be something like that.  People who sign up to the
list should be presented with a link to the guidelines.  It's a bit hard
to expect people not to top-post if they've not been told that before
they see/send any messages.

On a similar note, the "unsubscribe" link on each message is rather
offputting.  People might avoid it, thinking that they'll unsubscribe
themselves just by clicking on it.  And conversely, people wanting to
unsubscribe might be a bit bamboozled as to what to do next.  There's
got to be a simple way to say that it's for you subscription control,
not just unsubscription.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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