Jim <mickeyboa <at> sbcglobal.net> writes:
> I know this may shock you Patrick but I now have kde-4.1.1-fc10 running 
> in FC9. No error messages.

<SARCASM>Congratulations!</SARCASM> You are now running an unsupported mix of 
F9 and Rawhide packages. You are going to encounter many bugs due to the fact 
that the mix is completely untested. You are also going to end up with some 
packages which got updated from Rawhide getting no security updates because 
Rawhide has a newer version and you're not pulling the security updates from 
Rawhide (because chances are you didn't even keep track of WHICH packages you 
installed from Rawhide, it's definitely not just KDE, due to the network of 
dependencies and reverse-dependencies). And there is NO reliable way to get 
back to stock F9 without reinstalling.

So you're left with only 2 options:
A. upgrade to Rawhide completely, track Rawhide and eventually end up with F10, 
assuming you manage to jump off Rawhide at the right time and won't drag in F11 
Rawhide stuff again.
B. completely reformat and reinstall F9 from scratch and NEVER EVER AGAIN touch 
the Rawhide repository.

We're building KDE updates for F9 for a reason!

        Kevin Kofler

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