On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 06:08 -0700, landon kelsey wrote:
> Once I rented a small Cessna C152 from a company at the airport.
> I have many many hours in many types of aircraft!
> I had a problem with the C152 at this particular company.
> The instructors at the company recommended I get an additional
> checkout to learn how to "run" this C152.  I refused! Insanity!
> They finally woke up when the mechanic was flying the aircraft and
> lost the engine!
> I am NOT going to the KDE site and reading anything!
> I haven't so far and I will not!
> A desktop should be a intuitive measure and KDE has been up until now!
If something isn't worth learning if it isn't already intrinsically
understood, why bother asking? I think you are just wasting everyone's


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