Ed Greshko wrote:
> Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>>> I'm curious...just how often does this problem present itself such that
>>> it generates as much backlash as it does?
>> I think the fact that is generates so much backlash is what keeps it
>> down - You get hammered for it, and do not get any help until you
>> correct your behavior.
> And there are probably some that get hammered for it, stagger around a
> bit, and then move on to other places with a bad taste in their mouth.
That may be. But if they can not be bothered to read the list
guidelines, they are probably not going to read things like release
notes, and are headed for big trouble if they stick with Fedora. It
is not the easiest distribution to use if you can not read and
follow directions.

I mean, if they can not follow the directions about how to post
messages, how are you going to help troubleshoot a problem when they
can not follow your directions on how to provide more information,
or even on how to fix the problem?


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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