At 08:40 PM 9/22/2008, Paul W. Frields wrote:

The LVM system uses UUIDs (which are almost guaranteed to be unique) to
label each LVM PV, VG, and LV.  I believe you can use "vgscan" to
display them, and then reference the UUID of the VG in question when you
run "vgrename" to rename it to something *not* "VolGroup00".

Good evening, Paul.

Thanks but it doesn't work.

Evidently vgrename will not allow me to rename a mounted volume; it says "Volume group "VolGroup00" still has active LVs".

If I then go and physically reconnect the second drive (the old FC5 drive), there is no lvm command that will allow me to see both drives AND see their UIDs... the only command that will let me see the UID is vgscan, and that one will only see the boot drive (the first instance of VolGroup00), not the old FC5 drive (the second instance of VolGroup00).

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