On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:25 PM, mohammed magraby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear, Sir
> Please, Help me
> I use Fedora 9 and CVS enabled but messege said "CVS is enabled but the
> xinetd package is not instaled.The CVS does not work without xinetd.
> then, I try to install xinetd from Add/Remove Software but when I found
> xinetd package, I press on Install botton but nothing happens although
> Fedora is connected to internet and i can make browse the internet
> note: also i cann't make any update messege said "
> Faild to update system
> the error was:
> org.freedesktop.packagekit.update-system
> auth_admin_keep_always"

What user are you logged in as?

# Open a terminal (Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal)

# su
(Enter root user password)

# yum install xinetd


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