On Tuesday 30 September 2008 15:58:04 Seann Clark wrote:
> All,
>     I have played with various backup programs and tools over the years
> that are free with Linux (namely Amanda)  and I am wondering if there is
> a good, multi O/s tool that is out there, that would support various
> Unix's (I know Amanda does that) and windows systems. My other question
> is what would be the best backup plan to use? Hard drives? Tapes? DVD's?
> (Bluray are great @25GB, but suck at US$259 for a 20 pack of them.)
>     Right now I am using G4L on all my Windows systems, and Amanda on my
> *nix platforms, and have had mixed results. When my windows systems are
> running it can be hit or miss that it gets anywhere with the
> creation/moving of the image over to the storage system (Which is RAID5,
> and needs a better backup plan for its 2.8TB+ of total storage) and I am
> polling the list to get ideas on a better solution that is
> free/inexpensive for a SOHO setup. I know hard drives in external
> enclosures is a good bet for some applications (I think of
> laptop/desktop backups with that solution) but any better/different
> suggestion would be appreciated
> Thanks in advance,
> Seann

Personally I use BackupPC to back up Linux/Mac servers and Linux/Windows 
desktops/laptops. It is primarly for online ( disk ) backups but has an 
archive function as well.

There are Fedora rpms for it available in th Everything repo and the source is 
available on sourceforge < http://backuppc.sourceforge.net >  I tend to use 
the source as it's easy to set up and allows me to configure the backup 
directories as I like.


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