boot with recue disk and re-create the initrd

On 10/12/2008 6:33 PM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
I have a head scratcher here.  I was trying to swap motherboards on a
clean F9 x86_64 install.  The system was updated to the current yum
levels before the mobo swap.  Attempting to boot got me through grub,
but when it came time to mount the root FS for the first time it told
me that the Volume Group couldn't be found.  This is a disk that boots
f9 without any problems on the old motherboard.  Booting with a rescue
disk on the new motherboard I can see and mount the Volume Group just
fine.  I'm at a loss why the rescue disk can see the volume group, but
the normal boot sequence can't.

This is on the x86_64 mobo that runs F9 just fine if I temporarily
install a scratch disk and install F9 on that.  It is just the f9 disk
that was installed by the old mobo that gives problems.  Weird.  Can
anyone shed some light on this puzzler?


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