>  I would like to install a minimal Fedora system on a 1 GB CF
> card.  Is there any recipe around to do this ?  Maybe doing a
> regular Fedora install but having the /dev/sdb (eg. the CF card)
> as the target and picking up the packages to install
> carefully (eg. w/o X server and any graphical stuff for
> instance).  Possibly w/o any swap.  A minimal system.
>  I've heard about the Fedora spins.  Would it be of any use for
> this kind of installation ?

Any reason why you want fedora and not puppy linux/damn small linux?

I thought fedora spins were just the regular fedora installs with
updated packages released via updates repository.

I guess you could fit fedora on 1GB with bare minimal install. Try it :-)


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