-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: f10.x86_64: laptop HP: Problem to see all 4Gb of memory
From: Dario Lesca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora. <fedora-list@redhat.com>
Date: 12/04/2008 03:04 AM

I am the user of this thread,
but why you call it "broken thread"?

You started your thread in fedora-devel-list, but Gene Heskett replied to fedora-list.

Into BIOS there are not a feature similar to "PCI Memory remap".
It's a laptop and into BIOS there are only a small set of feature.

You need to contact HP for a BIOS update. There is no other way to enable full 4 gigs (or more) on 64-bit systems.

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