On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Alexander Volovics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> During installation of F10 (or immediately after)
> gnome-session (or a parent proces of gnome-session)
> spawns a zombie Xsession.

I will look next time.

> I have installed F10 on 3 different machines and all
> ot them show this (i686 and x86_64).
> Futhermore the install does not eject the DVD.
> I had to choose 'boot from local disk' upon rebooting
> for the second time, or quickly remove the DVD.

This one took me by surprise and I ran into this several times. I was
telling one of my windows collegues that the disk will be ejected
automatically after install and we waited .. waited ,. much to my
embarrasment it rebooted to installer again.

We had to yank it out by pressing the eject button.

I was so used to the disk eject after install and it *was* quite nice,
Not sure if it's a bug or intentional and I hope this works again in


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