I've been noticing Xorg has been taking a nice chunk of RAM after upgrading to Fedora 10. I decided to start up xrestop and see what's up:

xrestop - Display: localhost:0
          Monitoring 35 clients. XErrors: 0
Pixmaps: 95419K total, Other: 219K total, All: 95639K total

res-base Wins GCs Fnts Pxms Misc Pxm mem Other Total PID Identifier 0c00000 3 27 0 5 1818 40960K 43K 41003K 2355 gnome-screensaver
1200000   190   34    1  196 1223    11853K     34K  11888K  2390 xfwm4

That's the top two items in my list. Is there any particular reason gnome-screensaver needs 40 megs of RAM? Yes, I'm running XFCE4 on this system, but I have seen the same behavior on a Gnome desktop running Fedora 10.

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