My USB BT dongle has been working a treat, but I finally upgraded my box from F8 to F10 over the weekend and Bluetooth is one of the two things I've not yet figured out how to fix (the new style Xorg was the biggie I was expecting, and that's OK now).

I've never had to look into BT much in detail, as it's always just worked for me (send/rx from Nokia mobiles), so I'm not sure where to look. I'm fully up to date, package-wise.

  Here's a command line I'd expect to work:

# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
Inquiry failed: Connection timed out
# hciconfig hci0 class
Can't read class of device on hci0: Connection timed out (110)

  And here's some messages output:

2009-01-18T13:52:50.268153+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Bluetooth daemon
2009-01-18T13:52:50.278104+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Starting SDP server
2009-01-18T13:52:50.281282+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/network.conf failed: No such file or directory
2009-01-18T13:52:50.282296+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: bridge pan0 created
2009-01-18T13:52:50.282921+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf failed: No such file or directory 2009-01-18T13:52:50.283441+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/input.conf failed: No such file or directory 2009-01-18T13:52:50.283720+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Registered interface org.bluez.Service on path /org/bluez/27158/any
2009-01-18T13:52:50.283833+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: HCI dev 0 registered
2009-01-18T13:52:50.285481+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: HCI dev 0 already up
2009-01-18T13:52:50.285973+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Starting security manager 0 2009-01-18T13:52:55.286153+00:00 host bluetoothd[27158]: Can't read version info for /org/bluez/27158/hci0: Unknown error 4294967186 (-110) 2009-01-18T13:53:00.284198+00:00 host bluetoothd[27163]: Can't set link policy on hci0: Connection timed out (110)

[n...@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[n...@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[n...@fnx ~]# exit

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