On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 15:06 +1030, Tim wrote:
> Wolfgang S. Rupprecht:
> >> It did turn out to be a problem with the state stored in ~/.purple .
> >> Moving that directory aside caused pidgin to appear onscreen again
> >> the next time I started it.
> I'm guessing that a list visible was left unset, and show system tray
> icon was set at never, in the ~/.purple/prefs.xml file.  The other files
> don't appear to have contents that might pertain to showing the list,
> and you probably don't want to have to recreate the accounts data.
> Craig White wrote:
> > Even worse, it's multi-launch meaning that many instances of pidgin
> > can run at the same time, all without windows - I have seen a user do
> > that and become terribly confused.
> If I try to run pidgin twice, the second attempt twiddles its thumbs for
> a moment (there's a "starting" message in the window list), but then
> aborts (it goes away, and there's only the first run pidgin running).
> It seems to handle that user problem fairly well.
my experience with multi-launch was on F7 - perhaps they fixed it.


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