On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 09:15 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I'm wondering if Evolution might be throwing out emails that it
> shouldn't be.
> I use Evolution in F10 to manage my emails.
> I have a number of different email accounts for various purposes.  I
> have filters set up to sort my incoming emails into about 20 different
> folders, based on the sender.  If an email doesn't match any of the
> filters, it ends up in my general inbox.
> I haven't received any 3rd party email in my inbox since Thursday at
> noon.  This is highly unusual.  
> I sent myself a test email yesterday from one of my accounts and
> it correctly ended up in my inbox.   But no other emails have ended up
> there and I suspect that some should be.   I just got a phone call from
> a guy that claims he sent me 4 emails and they aren't in my inbox, nor
> the junk or trash folders.
> Furthermore, when I do a Send/Receive in Evolution, it states it is
> getting emails for an account that is never filtered and yet none of
> those emails are showing up in my inbox folder. 
> How would I verify that Evolution isn't throwing away some of my
> emails ?

Could be a problem with the new indexing code. Try the following:

1) Shut down Evo completely: evolution --force-shutdown
2) Run the script found here:
3) Restart Evo.


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