On Wednesday 25 March 2009 20:39:16 Jim wrote:
> Jim Douglas wrote:
> > When I enter alt-f2 the options are gone and I can't run as sudo?
> >
> > How can I run konqueror as root?
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> I make a Icon on my desktop 'KonquerorSU'
> Step
> 1. right click on Desktop and 'Create New'   'link to application'
> 2. Properties window opens up.
> 3. In "General Tab" I give it a name of KonquerorSU, and then I click on
> Icon on left top  and give it a Icon.
> 4. In "Application Tab" at "Command" I put /usr/bin/konqueror . also in
> Application Tab at bottom right I click on
>     "Application Options" and then  ' Check'  "Run as a different user"
> and at "Username" type in 'root' .
> 5. Then click on OK at bottom and you have a KonquerorSU icon on Desktop.
This works in KDE3, and in KDE4 if you are working in FolderView.  It doesn't 
work in KDE4 if you work in Desktop View.

> Now for the worst of it all !!
> After you open a text file using Kwrite a few times.
> Then shutdown KonquerorSU filemanager and have to open it again to edit
> a new text file in Kwrite, it's going to give you a error message "Can't
> launch Kwrite".
> You then will have to restart KDE to get it to Edit text files in SU KDE.
> That error message, can't launch Kwite has been a problem in KonquerorSU
> for the past KDE releases.
> And I have been to lazy to report it to bugzilla.kde.  If anyone knows
> how to fix it I would like to know about it.

Usually, typing 'xhost+localhost' in the root konsole will get it working 
again.  I've seen situations where the user couldn't launch kwrite, and the 
same command in a user konsole cures it most times.

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