On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:00:34 -0400,
  m <maximilianbia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Difficult at best, who wants to trust a faceless corporation? Not to be  
> cynical but you might trust the receptionist but what about the IT dept?  
> Are they competent? Money is no guarantee of anything, in fact the  
> larger the company the more likely they will let something slip through  
> the cracks. Companies all say they are secure and trustworthy, but who  
> is hiring these people? Are their background checks? Should there be?  
> Probably they outsource that and then you have to see if you can trust  
> that company too. The main problem is that so much gets outsourced so  
> dept head A doesn't have to worry about it but who is checking that this  
> other company is doing it right? Its an endless cycle of paranoia.

You are only trusting them to provide with the key for their domain and
possibly subdomains. You aren't making them a CA for any and all domains.

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