On 06/11/2009 09:50 AM, Robert Wuest wrote:
> I just installed F11 on my laptop and fired up firefox, and for grins
> went to the Red Hat magazine link, clicked on a video on the right side
> there and it said I needed a plugin. So I clicked get the plugin and it
> came back with no plugin found.  I didn't look into it any further and I
> don't really need/or want help on this - I'll figure it out sometime
> when I care/have time, but this really should have "just worked" ( a new
> install, not an upgrade of Fedora desktop/development install watching a
> Red Hat video). A new/inexperienced user is gonna have an unpleasant
> "HUH?" experience with it.

Click on the Ogg Video link and Firefox in Fedora 11 can play it out of
the box directly. For Flash, refer



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