Bill Davidsen wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
>> Fedora was expecting to use PulseAudio but you removed that as your
>> predicate. That puts you with a vocal minority who would rather gripe
>> about pulse audio than make it work so it will be up to them to tell
>> you how to solve the sound issues that you 'fixed' by removing
>> pulseaudio package.
> Good, then point us to the documentation which describes how to make the
> alsamixer, advanced mixer, PA volume and tabs, and anything else which
> might clarify how to use the four or five sound apps which all interact
> with each other in such a way that sound works without days of fiddling
> which stop working at the next upgrade. PA is too damn fragile to use
> unless you are one of the few who has it work out of the box.
I would probably start at:

There is a nice menu on the right side that serves as a table of
contents, as well as pointing to where to find information on things
like userland programs.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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